napr. Dámska obuv, Bicykle, Ventilátory

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Star Trek Adventures RPG: Command Division
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22.8 €
Star Trek Adventures RPG: Command Division Supplement je rozšiřující příručka pro hru na hrdiny z vesmíru Star Treku - Star Trek Adventures RPG. Příručka obsahuje spoustu užitečného materiálu pro Gammemastery i hráče, zaměřuje se na velitelskou divizi. Kniha je v angličtině, je k ní zapotřebí vlastn… celá špecifikácia

Star Trek Adventures RPG: Command Division Supplement je rozšiřující příručka pro hru na hrdiny z vesmíru Star Treku - Star Trek Adventures RPG. Příručka obsahuje spoustu užitečného materiálu pro Gammemastery i hráče, zaměřuje se na velitelskou divizi. Kniha je v angličtině, je k ní zapotřebí vlastnit základní pravidla. Command a starship. A hundred decisions a day, hundreds of lives, staked on you making every one of them right. The Command Division supplement provides Gamemasters and Players with a wealth of new material for use in Star Trek Adventures for characters in the command division. The Command Division supplement includes: Detailed description of the command division, including its role in Starfleet, the various branches within the command division, the role of Fleet Operations, life as a command division cadet, and details on starship operations. Expanded 2d20 Social Conflict rules, enhancing social encounters and galactic diplomacy. An expanded list of Talents and Focuses for command and conn characters. Over a dozen additional starships and support craft to command and pilot, including the NX, Nebula, Sovereign, and Steamrunner classes, as well as many shuttle types and the indomitable Work Bee! Advice on creating command division focused plot components for your missions to test the mettle of your captain and flight controller. New rules on running Admiralty-level campaigns that let you command entire fleets, as well as information on commanding starbases. Detailed descriptions and game statistics for a range of Command and Conn focused NPCs and Supporting Characters
Vývoj ceny Star Trek Adventures RPG: Command Division
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