napr. Dámska obuv, Bicykle, Ventilátory

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GM Gems - Tools for every Game Master
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28.36 €
GM Gems - Tools for every Game Master je příručka plná inspirace a užitečných informací pro Game Mastery a přípravu fantasy her na hrdiny. Příručka je v angličtině. A Tome of Inspiration for Fantasy Game Masters GM Gems is filled with a wealth of information and ideas to empower every aspect of your… celá špecifikácia

GM Gems - Tools for every Game Master je příručka plná inspirace a užitečných informací pro Game Mastery a přípravu fantasy her na hrdiny. Příručka je v angličtině. A Tome of Inspiration for Fantasy Game Masters GM Gems is filled with a wealth of information and ideas to empower every aspect of your game. Never run boring, vanilla games, and never be caught flat-footed! This updated hardcover edition is systems-neutral yet uses DCC RPG stat blocks when default rules are required. The updated hardcover edition features amazing new cover art by legendary TSR artist Laura Lakey. The completely new layout includes new interior illustrations by Stefan Poag in addition to the originals by William McAusland, plus a two-page spread on the endsheets by OSR favorite Peter Mullen. GM Gems is written by veteran game masters, and includes: Alchemical Mishaps Empty Rooms Worth Describing Extraordinary Campsites Familiar Creatures with Unfamiliar Faces Short Encounters for Short Attention Spans Unique Taverns and Inns Unusual Holidays 100 Unique Treasures And much, much more!
Vývoj ceny GM Gems - Tools for every Game Master
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