napr. Dámska obuv, Bicykle, Ventilátory
Arkham Horror LCG: A Light in the Fog
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16.42 €
A Light in the Fog je štvrtý Mythos Pack z cyklu The Innsmouth Conspiracy pre Arkham Horror LCG . Rozšírenie je v angličtine, je k nemu potrebné vlastniť základnú sadu. Since you first awoke in a dank and Gloomy tidal Cavern, you Ve attempted to pull together the disparate pieces of your Shipwrecked… celá špecifikácia
A Light in the Fog je štvrtý Mythos Pack z cyklu The Innsmouth Conspiracy pre Arkham Horror LCG . Rozšírenie je v angličtine, je k nemu potrebné vlastniť základnú sadu. Since you first awoke in a dank and Gloomy tidal Cavern, you Ve attempted to pull together the disparate pieces of your Shipwrecked memories. You Ve learned some of why you came to Innsmouth, and you Ve battled the Evils rising from the ocean deeps ... but as you escape from the Deep Ones overrunning Innsmouth and race Toward the Falcon Point lighthouse, you find yourself at the threshold of the next mystery. Who was it that first captured you and left you for dead? The keeper of the lighthouse may hide the answers you seek. As the next chapter of your evolving story, A Light in the Fog expands your adventures in Arkham Horror: The Card Game, picking up right where your Frantic car chase left off at the end of Horror in High Gear, and Promising new Revelations as you push Deeper into the heart of the tangled conspiracy that Surrounds Innsmouth. Along with a new scenario, this expansion brings new options to your decks with a Slew of new mid-level cards to shape and enhance your deck as you gain experience. But as your experiences unlock new skills, will they also open to door to Deeper shades of madness?
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